Fables: Once & Future
The year is 1984 and it is Remembrance Day. A cast of Fables, who have not been invited to the Remembrance Day Gala, celebrate in their own specific and different ways. It’s business as usual until a stranger walks in the door and sets events in motion that will change Fabletown and its residents forever.
Once & Future is an Urban Shadows 2E Actual Play that originally aired on Carrion Comfort Studios’ Twitch.

Episode 1 - And Dream of Sheep
Remembrance Night, 1984 in Fabletown, New York City. All is as it should be, until a chance encounter, a near-fatal accident, and a room full of sleeping Fables leads to an investigation that could rip apart the foundation of NYC’s greatest secret.
All episodes can be found on YouTube (linked above). All graphics and overlays were created by Wes Franks. Art by GremLynn Art. Music is used under Fair Use. All the characters and places from Fables, the comic book series are not 1:1 comparisons to their counterparts in this series.